Al-Douh Iraqi Company for Cement Industries Ltd. is one of Al-Riyadh Investment Companies Group. The company was established in the year 2008 under the Iraqi Investment Law No. "13" for the year 2006. It is one of the largest investment companies specialized in cement industry in southern Iraq, with production capacity of (1,500,000) one million and five hundred Thousand tons annually.
We have a Research and Development section to raise product's standard.
The company endeavors to satisfy its clients.
The company has an experienced staff of engineers and technicians.
The company supports humanitarian organizations as implementation of social solidarity.
The product compliant with the Iraqi standard specifications.
The factory contains a separate station for power generation to operate all the factory's facilities and accessories.
Our product is a Salt Resistant Compount (SRC). Ultra smooth and low alkali.
The company builds partnership with international companies specialized in the cement industry.
The company implements professional safety for its employees.
The use of alternative energy is the policy which our company follows to protect the environment.
Our product is Salt Resistant Compound (SRC)
Our product is Ultra smooth
The cement product is low alkali
The product compliant with European standard specifications
Al Samawah, Iraq
+964 7828961986
+964 7822203339